Monday 19 May 2008

The Video

Nearly there now! :) so...what has been done? I've played around with the rough cut loads.... to make the final cut! ok... the first thing that i've done to all the clips is upped the contrast, so that the colours are stong and vivid to the eye... easier to work with...flowing so that the different shots look alike. Seccondly I edited the clips with colour corrector. This enabled me to play arround with the shades and colours of the footage; being able to lighten up certain areas, control mid-tones dark tones blacks and saturation. I also experimented with the colours. The Lipstick Scene was filmed in colour, so I edited this by making the tones quite dark and emphasising the red tones, which works well as it fits in with the puppeteer character's top and the puppet's lips and nails. I've played around with the timing of things, putting certain clips on a loop...playing forwards for one bar of the music and then playing backwards for the next. This is quite effective in the opening sequence: the movement of the umbrella going clockwise and the anticlockwise. I have used a lot of split screen. Iv'e used a combination of vertical and horrizonal split screen. i have also used the screen to fit four versions of the same image by using split screen as well. This is really effective for when the gymnast is on display as it looks as though it could be several people performing a routine. I'm particually please by the split screen where the puppeteer is placed above the puppet. I have used the feathered edge effect on the split screen shots. This has enabled the footage to look as though it is overlapped through the middle, giving it a transparrent feel to it, so that not all images are lost. All the cuts have been edited to that it fits to the beat of the music and flows nicely. Now i have to go hunt down some tests, to the credits and interview for the extras!

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