Friday 25 April 2008

Costume Designing

Puppet/Mime Costume
Puppet costume
Dancer/ Gymnast Costume
Femme Fetalle/Dancer costume
Puppet/Puppeteer Costume
Femme Fetalle costume

Femme Fetalle Costume
Puppet Mime Costume
Puppeteer/ Femme Fetalle 
I've created 10 different costume designs that i may possibly use for my characters for the film. These include clown/mime/puppet/puppeteer character costumes and also femme fetalle costumes. My inspiration has come from looking at costumes from the circus, costumes from films that i admire (that include femme fetalles or have a characters with a certain style which i admire) and i have also looked at fashion magazines. 

If you would so kindly comment to tell me which ones you like and would be interesting to view within my film i would "gert grateful" :D ta! 


Simeon said...

i love them all. My favourite thought i think is the dancer one. It looks spanish like a fiesta or something. And also i like the polca dot one, femme something i cant remember the name! It is quite summery and looks prettiest :D

Karen said...

for the puppet i like the second one down the bottons and bow are great details, also the 9th down, loving the frills and berret maybe you could conbine the 2 designs???

Also like the puppeters costume, 5th down, with the buttons, i recond it mite be better in black, similar to the first costume.

For the femme fetalle 4th and 7th down, the 4th as simeon said looks v. spanish, like flaminco dancer, i think the 7th down, red and dotty is very sexy and alluring!!!!