Wednesday 23 April 2008

Gondry! :D

Taken from the science of sleep. amazing film! Tonns of special effects! Trys to use as many "natural" special effects as possible (not done with computer) to add to his querky and childlike style for his work. I love all of his work, pretty much! He's done loads of music videos that are simply Fab....I may copy a technique or two......:D
Just wanted to show a couple of pictures of Gondry.... used to be in a band called Qui Qui and did music videos for them....that kick started his career into music video and film making. he's quite an odd..... likes to combine a lot of effects together and doesn't always make set answers in his films, i think this is a good idea, i really like interpretive films and art and would like to have the same effect on my audience as he does with me! 

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