Tuesday 27 May 2008

Book work!

Got quite a lot of anitation to do in my books and stuff! :O I've done a heap of research....one book is for contextual meanings and symbolism.....lots and lots of words....so i need to highlight all the important bits, one book with music video stills i love and costume designs (that kind of thing), and another is with storyboards and stills of the film and how i edited it. I still need to do quite a bit of work.... i need to do a rough plan of how i imagine i'm going to display my work on the board....im thinking the best or most rememberable stills big on the board, the cros of the puppet control hung up with the strings down to the floor with small stills on them of the puppet and puppeteer, a shelf to put my books on, a hanging thingy that i can clip other stills of the other characters on, memorable props shattered around: the hats, the gloves, the umbrella, the apple ( i have an idea to make a little tree type thing and put an apple under it - adam and eve reference) and if i think of anything else... Ohh i also have to do an evaluation of my work....which will be a tonn of funn! :P

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