Wednesday 30 April 2008

Story line Ideas

Puppet verses puppeteer:
Puppeteer is making puppet dance. Puppet feels like a trapped prisoner, unable to do what they want when they want. Puppet Longs for freedom and to escape. Puppet pulls hard at their strings. Puppeteer attempts to pull them back, but the strings break. Puppet runs away. Puppet ends up lost in the woods. Puppeteer is crying. Puppet is running and getting distressed. Puppeteer calls for the puppet to come home. Puppet falls to the ground and cries. Puppet returns home to his master and puts the strings back on. Puppeteer make the puppet dance.

Smoking Woman:
Woman stands outside. Her hair is blowing in the wind. It is Raining. She is holding an umbrella. she is twirling her umbrella around. She is wearing a stripy dress and long gloves. She picks up her cigarette in its long holder, lights it and smokes. She does not look into the camera. She has an emotionless expression. Her smoke is put into reverse.

Femme Fetalle:
Alluring and seductive character. Looking into the camera. Dressed in red with red lips. she id looking into the camera, smiling and laughing. Taunting the Characteer that cannot be seen/audience. she is sat on the floor and playing with her hair.

Sad French mime. Blowing bubbles. moving around in slow motion. Tearful. dressed in black and white stripy top, berret, white trousers. The face is painted white with dark eyes and lips. as they cry the makeup gets smudged.

The gymnast does a series of backflips. The movement is repeated several times in slow motion and reversed. 

Woman and Apple:
Woman Holding out her hand. Looks at the camera. She reaches into her pocket to get an apple. She attempts to give it to an onlooker/audience. Symbolism for temptation (Adam and Eve).

1 comment:

daniel said...

hey, ur project is soundin pretty cool.i just wanted to let u kno i saw an advert with a similar thing to ur puppet story. i think it was darren browns mind control? i think thats his name lol! he was controling sumbody with strings.thought u mite like to av a look at it if u havn't alredy. :)